Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dream Log 21: 4 D

It turns out, dreams can be 4 dimensional. I was able to slip out of the 3D world and walk across the surface of the universe. It isn't quite what you'd expect though. You'd think it would be all warped and freaky looking, but that was just the floor where the normal third dimension was trapped. The rest of the space around me was purple and cloaked in storm clouds. Bars of lightning crackled from the "sky" down to the glassy flood separating me from normal space, and if I stepped back out of hyperspace, I could come out pretty much anywhere.

The first time I stepped out, I happened to run into another hyperspacer. He decided to test my abilities by setting up an obstacle course composed of mousetraps and Popsicle sticks. It was meant to try my flexibility, intelligence, agility, and role playing abilities. I'm not quite sure how that was supposed to work or how it was at all relevant to hyperspace, but the set up looked awesome. Unfortunately, the lightning bars grew thicker, forcing us to go back to ordinary space.

When we came out, we were surrounded by bustling college students with trays of desserts. A big event with lots of potential financial donors was going on, and everyone chipped in to make it as successful as possible. The hyperspacer and I got roped into it as well and the next half an hour of dream time was flooded with pastries and pie trays.

I miss the 4th dimension.

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