Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dream Log 24: The Story

The entirety of this dream was imagined from the point of view of someone reading a book and then visualizing that story. I know this because I was aware of the narration the entire time and could occasionally see the words on the page.

A young girl had fallen in love with a man in a high tower. She had no idea who he was, but she knew that she had seen him at least once before when she'd made the treacherous journey through the surrounding basketball courts and jungle gyms up to that tower to give the man some food. He hadn't even seen her, but his flowing grey hair and elegantly hunched back had left her infatuated.

For months she keened after him, scheming how to meet him again. She even gave birth in that time to his child. At least, that was what she told herself it was. Her fairy godparent, Jorgen von Strangle was not so convinced. He thought it was a baby doll she'd found somewhere. He spent hours trying to talk her out of trying to meet him again, but he could not use magic to end the ridiculous romance. Then, she became pregnant for real. This...worried Jorgen. He redoubled his efforts, but so did she. At long last, she made it back into the tower and faced her love, but he was just a bag of bones that collapsed in a poof of dust when she touched it. She clutched his ancient flesh against her Breast and wept for her love while Jorgan floated beside her helpless. He became even more useless when she went into labor.

Something was not right about the birth. It was not proceeding smoothly, though neither Jorgan nor the girl knew what was wrong. After hours of agony, a black, leathery wing emerged, followed by a body not unlike a grub with the face of a man. The girl was shocked and terrified, but what else should you expect when you sleep with an alien? Jorgan came closer to swaddle his new child while the girl tried not to die of fright or pain or illness.

At this point, I shut the twisted book I'd been reading and reflected on how entirely disturbed my brain is.

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