Saturday, December 18, 2010


Without your senses,
a second is meaningless.
Time is not steadfast.

If you cannot hear,
the measured chirps of crickets
are unknowable.

Without your vision,
the sunrise and the sunset
signify nothing.

If you cannot smell,
the change from fresh to rancid
can have no value.

Without your tongue,
the taste of summer berries
is nugatory.

If you cannot feel,
the rheumatism of age
lacks significance.

Without your senses,
time loses all its rhythms
and evaporates.


  1. Hey youuuu, your psuedoquadmate gave me your blog!! Figured I would comment, say hello. Nice poem, I like it :)


  2. Thanks. Sorry it took me a day to reply. I couldn't figure out how to post comments. Websites are not my strong point.
